引用本文:王治红,吴青峰,程晓明,胡志斌,吴成均. 大涝坝天然气处理装置工艺改造研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2010, 39(6): 483-486,460.
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王治红, 吴青峰, 程晓明, 胡志斌, 吴成均
大涝坝天然气处理装置采用膨胀制冷工艺,其设计天然气日处理量为25×104m3。自2005年投产以来,随着大涝坝凝析气田不断开发天然气的日处理逐渐增加至30×104m3左右,超过了设计处理能力,装置处于超负荷运行,造成C3及C3+收率降低;另外还存在大约每天10×104m3未经过严格脱烃的天然气直接进入了外输管网,造成外输气烃露点无法保证以及C3+资源未能充分回收。针对大涝坝天然气处理装置超负荷运行问题,在原有流程的基础上将分子筛脱水系统改造为四塔流程;制冷系统改造为副冷箱加双膨胀机流程,并进行了计算机模拟。结果 表明:改造后装置的处理能力增加了15×104m3/d,外输干气的烃露点下降了25℃,C3的收率增加了17.4%,C3+收率增加11.8%;液化气产量增加了18.6t/d,稳定轻烃产量增加了2.6t/d。
关键词:  天然气  轻烃  膨胀机  模拟
Study on the Technological Reform for Gas Processing Unit in Dalaoba
Wang Zhihong, Wu Qingfeng, Cheng Xiaoming
Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500,Sichuan China
Gas processing unit in Dalaoba uses expansion refrigeration process and its processing ability is 250,000 m3/d. Since the commissioning of unit in 2005,processing ability of gas increased to about 300,000 m3/d,with gas field develop in Dalaoba more than the design capacity.Overload operation of the devices result in lower yield of C3 and C+3. There are also about 100,000 m3/d gas directly into a pipeline without de-hydrocarbon strictly,causing hydrocarbon dew point of transmission gas can not be guaranteed,and the C+3 resources are not fully recovered. According to overload operation problem of gas treatment unit in Dalaoba,the system of molecular sieve dehydration is transformed as 4 towers process; the refrigeration system is reformed as the vice-cold box with double expander process based on the original process,and the process is simulated by computer. The results showed that: after transformation,the processing ability is increased 150,000 m3/d; the hydrocarbon dew point of transmission gas decreased by 25℃;the yield of C3 increased by 17.4%,the yield of C+3 increased by 11.8%; liquefied gas production increased by 18.6t/d; the stabilized light hydrocarbon production increased by 2.6t/d.
Key words:  natural gas  light hydrocarbon  expander  simulation