引用本文:何金龙,杨春生,常宏岗,陈胜永,印敬,胡天友. 位阻胺选择性脱硫配方溶剂(CT8-16)脱除天然气中H2S、CO2现场应用试验[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2010, 39(6): 487-490,501,460.
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何金龙1, 杨春生2, 常宏岗1, 陈胜永, 印敬, 胡天友
关键词:  位阻胺  选择性  脱硫配方溶剂  天然气  硫化氢  二氧化碳
Field Application of Sterical Hindrance Amine Formula Sweetening Solvent (CT8-16) on Selective Removal of H2S and CO2 from Natural Gas
He Jinlong1, Yang Chunsheng2, Chang Honggang1
1.Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology,PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company,Chengdu 610213,China;2.China National Petroleum Corporation(CNPC)
Sterical hindrance amine CT8-16 formula solvent has been tested and run a long time on the 1×104 m3/d sweetening unit. It has investigated absorption and regeneration performance of the solvent under the condition of different packing height,different gas–liquid ratio and different temperature of lean liquor into tower etc.,and the corrosion on carbon steel and anti-foaming performance are investigated,and process parameters are optimized furtherly. Test results show that concentration of H2S in treated natural gas by CT8-16 formula solvent is lower above 29 percent than treated by MDEA. When H2S content in treated gas is the same,removal rate of CO2 treated by CT8-16 is lower 14.5 percent than that of MDEA. The corrosion rate of the CT8-16 solvent on carbon steel is low,and the testing unit using the solvent run smoothly without foam ing,and has strong anti-foaming capacity. The application test results provide an important basis for industrial application.
Key words:  sterical hindrance amine  selective desulfurization  formulated solvent  natural gas  hydrogen sulfide  carbon dioxide