引用本文:黄小琼,何益杉,武云云,杨海博. 龙岗气田水异层回注可行性研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2010, 39(6): 505-509,461,462.
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黄小琼1, 何益杉2, 武云云3, 杨海博
关键词:  气田水  沙二段  回注  配伍性
The Feasibility Study on Gas Field Water Heterostrate Recycling of Longgang Gas Field
Huang Xiaoqiong1, He Yishan2, Wu Yunyun3
1.The Exploration and Development Corporation of PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company;2.Central Sichuan Oil and Gas District,PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company;3.The Geoscience Research Institute of Shengli Oilfield Company,SINOPEC
The most effective processing mode to gas field water is heterostrate recycling,but recycling gas field water for different reservoir,ensuring the success of recycling,we should carry on the matching experiments. Aiming at the water quality characteristics of Feixianguan group and Changxing group in the area of Longgang,we proceed the matching experiments with drilling cores of recycling layer Sha’er section,thereby recognized the factors of influencing reinjection,and put forward some corresponding solutions,study the heterostrate recycling feasibility of gas field water in the area of Longgang.On the basis of drilling core damage experiments,this article recommends the water quality index on gas field formation water recycling and obtains the best mixture ratio.
Key words:  gas field water  Sha’er  reclycling  compatibility