引用本文:杨衍东,李尚贵,杨兵,黄贵存,杨丽. 压裂液杀菌剂GCY-6的研制及性能评价[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2010, 39(6): 510-513,462.
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杨衍东, 李尚贵, 杨兵, 黄贵存, 杨丽
关键词:  GCY-6  杀菌剂  IR谱图  性能对比评价
Fracturing Fluid Bactericides GCY-6:Preparation and Evaluation Research
Yang Yandong, Li Shanggui, Yang Bing
The Research Institute of Engineering and Technology South-West Oil and Gas Branch Company,Sinopec,Deyang 618000,Sichuan,China
At present,the fracturing fluid bactericide WDS—2 has been applied widely in the south-west oil and gas branch company,Sinopec. Although the preferable result has been gotten,micro- organism will produce negative chemotropism if the same type of bactericide used in the same district for a long time. Therefore the new compound bactericide GCY-6 has been prepared,furthermore the evaluation and contrast research on the performance properties experiments have been carried out between them. More than 200 data of the viscosity reserved rate for the basic fracturing fluid shows that the GCY-6 ’s performance is a little better than that of WDS-2. The disinfection rate of the TGB between them reveals that the GCY-6’s performance is better than that of WDS-2 obviously. What’s more,the synthesis method for the GCY-6 is reliable,the operation is convenient. It is worth while to be applied in the oilfields.
Key words:  preparation and synthesis  bactericide  IR spectrum  evaluation and contrast