引用本文:谭佳,江朝天,孙勇,黄贵存,李莎莎,刘徐慧. 压裂用有机硼交联剂GCY-1的研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2010, 39(6): 518-520,530,462.
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谭佳1, 江朝天2, 孙勇1, 黄贵存, 李莎莎, 刘徐慧
关键词:  压裂液  GCY-1  有机硼交联剂  中、低温储层
Synthesis of Organic Boron Cross Linker GCY-1 for Aqueous Gelling Fracturing Fluids
Tan jia1, Jiang Chaotian2, SunYong1
1.The Oil and Chemical Research Institute of Engineering Technology Institute of Southwest Petroleum Branch,Deyang 618000,Sichuan;2.The Center of Engineering Supervision of Southwest Petroleum Branch,Deyang 618000,Sichuan
In view of the low-to-moderate temperature reservoir bed lacking cross linker autonomously for fracturing fluid,the article chooses synthesis of organic boron cross linker,on the basis of comparing with the pros and cons and the applicability of cross linker for fracturing fluid home and abroad. By experimentally studying the conditions of synthesis,the best technology of synthesis has been gained about organic boron cross linker: solvent is combination solution of water and glycol,20% legend compounds are dextrose and glycol; accelerator is NaOH,reaction temperature 70℃ and reaction time 2.5h,the ratio of borax and dextrose is 4x∶y. The cross linking time of organic boron cross linker is 30s~3min,their viscosities of the gel all>80mPa.s since shearing 120min in the conditions of 80℃,65℃,45℃,170 S-1; And breaking gel thoroughly that viscosity ≤5mPa·S,which is fit for needs of fracture about the low-to-moderate temperature reservoir bed in the west of Sichuan.
Key words:  fracturing fluid organic  boron cross linker  the low-to-moderate temperature reservoir bed