引用本文:刘支强,蒋洪,朱聪,黄德文. 天然气中的汞腐蚀[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2010, 39(6): 533-537,463.
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刘支强, 蒋洪, 朱聪, 黄德文
关键词:  天然气    危害  腐蚀机理  防腐措施
Mercury Corrosion in Natural Gas
Liu Zhiqiang, Jiang Hong, Zhu Cong
Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500,Sichuan,China
This paper introduces the distribution of mercury-containing natural gas and the main hazards of mercury in natural gas,researches the mechanisms of mercury corrosion on aluminum and other metal materials,and focuses on the mechanisms of amalgam corrosion and Liquid Metal Embrittlement (LME). The degree of mercury corrosion of different metals are diverse,mercury have stronger corrosiveness on aluminum equipments than on pipelines and equipments making of carbon steel,alloy steel and stainless steel. This paper proposes that removal of mercury in natural gas to reduce concentrations of mercury in natural gas is the most effective measures for anticorrosive measures in mercury-containing natural gas,and simultaneously hold that using anti-corrosion coating material of mercury,immediately removals the accumulated mercury in pipelines and equipments and regularly detection of mercury corrosiveness can also reduce the mercury corrosion risk and prevent the occurrence of mercury corrosion.
Key words:  natural gas  mercury  hazards  corrosion mechanism  anticorrosive measures