引用本文:蒋洪,梁金川,严启团,王军. 天然气脱汞工艺技术[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(1): 26-31,46,8.
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蒋洪1, 梁金川1, 严启团2, 王军
关键词:  天然气  脱汞  工艺  吸附剂  汞含量限值
Technology of Mercury Removal from Natural Gas
Jiang Hong1, Liang Jinchuan1, Yan Qituan2
1.Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500,Sichuan;2.Langfang Branch of Research Institute of Exploration and Development of PetroChina,Langfang 102800,Hebei
Most of natural gas fields all over the world contain elemental mercury and organic mercury compounds,and the mercury concentrations in natural gas is generally 1μg/m3~200μg/m3. In low temperature systems,such asnatural gas liquefaction and NGL recovery,etc.,the mercury in natural gas will not only corrode aluminum-madeplate-fin heat exchanger,but also poison the noble metalcatalysts in the natural gas chemical industry process. Currently,the main technologies of mercury removal from natural gas are chemical adsorption,low temperature separation,etc. Chemical adsorption is better than other mercury removal technologies in its economy,mercury removal effectiveness and environmental protection. By using thisprocess,the mercury content of the natural gas can be reduced below 0. 01μg/m3. This paper analyzes the removing mercury principle of chemical adsorption,characteristics,application and influencing factors of the mercury removal efficiency. By analysis of the main adsorbents,this paperstudies the application conditions for sulfur/silver-impregnated activated carbon adsorbents,containing silver zeoliteadsorbents and special mercury removal adsorbents. Thelimits requirements of mercury in natural gas are different for various usages and processing. On the consideration ofenvironmental protec.safety and other factors,this paper recommends that the mercury concentration in commercial natural gas under pipeline conditions is less than 28μg/m3 ,and the mercury concentration of feed gas in natural gaslique faction and NGL recovery plant is less than 0.01μg/m3,
Key words:  natural gas  mercury removal  technology  adsorbent  limited value of mercury concentration