引用本文:陈银生,林立,徐念椿,李甫. 对焦炉气合成甲醇工艺中转化工段的模拟和废热利用的研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(1): 22-25,8.
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陈银生, 林立, 徐念椿, 李甫
采用Aspen Plus工程软件对焦炉煤气生产甲醇过程中的焦炉气转化工段进行了模拟计算。根据焦炉气组成及转化工段的操作条件,采用RK-ASPEN物性方法进行了模拟计算。用绝热反应器模型RSTOIC模拟转化炉上部的燃烧过程,用绝热反应器模型REQUIL模拟转化炉下部的转化过程。模拟结果表明,焦炉气中甲烷转化率大于98%,出转化炉的转化气中甲烷含量低于0.4%,满足甲醇合成需要。出转化炉的转化气温度约980℃,与实际操作温度吻合。高温废热可以副产转化过程需要的中压蒸汽、预热和加热粗焦炉气、副产甲醇精馏需要的低压蒸汽、作为甲醇精馏加压塔再沸器热源以及加热脱盐水和预热冷凝液等。
关键词:  Aspen Plus工程软件  焦炉气  转化  甲醇生产  废热利用  模拟计算
Simulation of Coke Oven Gas Conversion of Methanol Production Process and Study on Waste Heat Utilization of Converted Gas
Chen Yinsheng, Lin Li, Xu Nianchun
Shanghai Chemical Engineering Incorporation,Shanghai 200235
The coke oven gas conversion section of the methanol production process was simulated with the Aspen Plus engineering software. According to the components of the coke oven gas and the operational condition involved,the RK-ASPEN property method was used in the simulation.The adiabatic reactor model RSTOIC "stoichiometric reactor" was applied to simulate the process of the coke oven gascombustion at the top of the converter. The adiabatic reactor model REQUIL "requil reactor" was applied to simulate theprocess of the coke oven gas conversion at the bottom of the converter. The CH4 fractional conversion of coke oven gaswas more than 98%. and the mole fraction of CH4 from the outlet converted gas was less than 0. 4%,which can meetthe requirements of methanol production. The calculated temperature of the outlet converted gas was about 980℃,which was identical with the actual data. The high-temperature waste heat could be used to produce medium and low pressure steam,to pre-heat and to heat raw coke oven gas,and as the heat source of the reboiler of pressure tower,andto heat desalt water and to pre-heat condensed fluid.
Key words:  Aspen Plus engineering software  cokeoven gas  conversion  methanol production  waste heat utilization  simulation