引用本文:王航空,雷亮,肖知俊,成林. 化学清洗技术在延迟焦化装置分馏系统中的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(1): 47-49,53,9.
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王航空, 雷亮, 肖知俊, 成林
关键词:  延迟焦化  分馏系统  化学清洗技术  柠檬酸  污垢
Application of Chemical Cleaning Technique on Distillation System in Delayed Coker
Wang Hangkong, Lei Liang, Xiao Zhijun
PetroChina Karamay Petrochemical Company,Karamay 834003,Xinjiang
The chemical cleaning technique for heavy oil fouling is adopted in delayed coking unit of Karamay Pet-rochemical Company PetroChina to clean oil and coke fouling from pipe and equipment during downtime. SureClean4231complex cleaner with major component of citric acid is usedin the distillation system. The cleaning processes include steam-chemical injection cleaning,water-chemical injection cleaning,water cleaning and passivation. The results show that after the advanced chemical cleaning technique is applied,all kinds of fouling are cleaned out effectively suchas heavy oil fouling,light oil fouling,salt fouling,rust fouling and coke fouling. The unit is very clean and has no deadangle. Light hydrocarbon,sulfureted hydrogen,carbon mon-oxide and iron monosulfide is cleaned out. So the process provides safe work environment and quick maintenance operation. The expected effect is met effectively. So the tech-nique is able to ensure the distillation system high-efficiency operation with low consumption of energy and high liquidyield. It is worth further spreading and applying.
Key words:  delayed coker  distillation system  chemical cleaning technique  citric acid  fouling