引用本文:高晓根,计维安,刘蔷,彭爽,王婷婷,雷萌. 超音速分离技术及在气田地面工程中的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(1): 42-46,9.
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高晓根, 计维安, 刘蔷, 彭爽, 王婷婷, 雷萌
关键词:  超音速  涡流管  含硫气田  天然气脱水  前景
The Supersonic Vortex Tube Separation Technology and its Application in the Gas-Field
Gao Xiaogen, Ji Weian, Liu Qiang
Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology,PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company
The supersonic vortex tube separation is are volutionary gas processing technology compared with traditional low temperature separation technologies,it has obvious energy saving and environmental protection advantages.The process attracts worldwide attentions. This paper introduces the principal mechanism and present developing situation of the supersonic vortex tube separation technology,appraises two kinds of supersonic vortex tube separators (3Sand Twister separators) which have achieved effective application results and briefly introduces its application in the dehydration process. Especially,the characteristics and applications of the 1st generation and 2nd generation twister supersonic gas separator are analyzed. The advantages in the application of the supersonic vortex tube separation technology in the gas field are summarized and its applications in natural gas development are as are analyzed in this paper. The application prospects of this technology in gas separation are characterized. Some opinions and suggestions for the limitations of this technology application in domestic gas-fieldand the future research directions are given.
Key words:  supersonic velocity  vortex tube  sour gas-field  natural gas dehydration  prospects