引用本文:马云,秦芳玲,田春艳,濮阳. 油田压裂废水的絮凝-Fenton氧化-SBR联合处理实验研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(1): 95-99,12.
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马云1,2, 秦芳玲2, 田春艳3, 濮阳
针对中原油田压裂作业废水矿化度高、悬浮性固体(SS)含量高和有机物含量高且性质稳定的特点,采用絮凝-Fenton氧化-SBR联合处理方法对压裂废水进行了处理条件研究。结果 表明:压裂废水COD值为2000 mg/L~3000 mg/L时,聚合硫酸铁(PFS)加量为50 mg/L、聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)加量为4 mg/L、搅拌速度100 r/min下进行絮凝沉降30 min,再于H2O2投加量为1000 mg/L、FeSO4投加量为150 mg/L、反应温度为40℃条件下氧化处理45 min后,进入SBR反应器曝气8 h和沉降1 h后,处理后压裂废水的COD去除率可达95.43%,出水COD值降至125.84 mg/L,达到国家二级排放标准(GB8978-1996)。
关键词:  压裂废水  絮凝  Fenton氧化  SBR  COD值
Application of Flocculation-Fenton Oxidation-SBR Process on Treating Oil Field Fracturing Wastewater
Ma Yun1,2, Qin Fangling2, Tian Chunyan3
1.School of Life Science & Technology,Xi’an Jiaotong University,Xi’an 710049,Shanxi;2.College of Chemical Engineering,Xi’an Shiyou University,Xi’an 710065,Shanxi;3.Yulin Refinery Factory of Yanchang Petroleum Co.,Ltd,Yulin 718500,Shanxi
According to the characteristics of fracturing wastewater from Zhongyuan oilfield,which has high salinity,suspended solids and organism concentration,the process of flocculation-Fenton oxidation-SBR was applied. The results showed that the fracturing wastewater diluting 3 times has better flocculated effect when the dosage of poly ferric sulfate (PFS) and polyacrylamide(PAM) were50 mg/L and 4mg/L respectively,and the stirring rate was100r/mmin. Then the flocculated fracturing wastewater was oxidized for 45min under the condition of 1000mg/L H2 O2,150mg/L Fe2SO4 respectively and under the temperature of 40℃. The COD concentration of the fracturing wastewater was dropped from 2753. 3mg/L to 125. 84mmg/L,and theCOD removing rate was 95.43%,after the flocculation-fenton oxidized wastewater was treated in the sequence batch reactor treatment (SBR)with 8 hours aerating time and 1 hour settling time.
Key words:  fracturing wastewater  flocculation  Fen-ton oxidation  SBR  COD