引用本文:崔晓红. 预交联体增效聚合物驱研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(2): 165-169,100.
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关键词:  化学驱  采收率  预交联体  波及体积  驱油效果
Study on Preformed Particle Gel (PPG)Enhanced Polymer Flooding
Cui Xiaohong1,2
1.School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Dongying 257061, Shandong, China;2.Geoscience Research Institute, Shengli Oilfield Company of SINOPEC,Dongying 257015, Shandong, China
Preformed particle gel (PPG) enhanced polymer flooding is a new chemical flooding method which is suit to both serious heterogeneous reservoir and HT/HS reservoir based on PPG’s insensitive to temperature and salinity and excellent profile control performance. Two tube sand pack core flooding tests conducted under HT/HS reservoir condition of Shengli oilfield indicate that the injection of PPG enhanced polymer system generates a significant fluid diversion, tetrad the heterogenous both within layer and between layers, and improve the swept volume substantially. The incremented oil recovery by 0. 3Vp polymer flooding is only about 6.7% ,while the recovery ratio increase of PPG enhanced polymerflooding slug with the same volume is up to 23.8% ; 0.2Vp additional PPG enhanced polymer flooding slug can further increase oil recovery 11.8% after the polymer flooding. It can be predicted that PPG enhanced polymer flooding will meet a broad potential in HT/HS and post—polymer flooding reservoirs.
Key words:  chemical flooding  enhanced oil recovery  preformed particle gel  improve swept volume  displacement performance