引用本文:韩易龙,纪文娟,赵光,沈建新,张志武,秦涛,等. 粘土在高温高盐油藏封堵大孔道的应用研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(2): 170-174,100.
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韩易龙1, 纪文娟2, 赵光2, 沈建新, 张志武, 秦涛, 戴彩丽
关键词:  高温高盐  大孔道  调剖  稳定化钠土
Application Study on Clay Plugging Large Pore Paths in High Temperature and High Salinity Reservoir
Han Yilong1, Ji Wenjuan2, Zhao Guang2
1.Tarim Oilfield Development Department,Kuerle 841000, China;2.State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing, China University of Petroleum,Qingdao 266555 ,China
Aiming at high temperature and high salinity reservoir, clay is optimized to plug large pore paths. Particle size distribution of stabilizing Na—bentonite is characterized by laser particle analyzer and dispersity by the method of bleeding index. The results show that stabilizing Na—bentonite has good behavior of dispersity.However, it is nonuniform in size, and the adaptive permeability is in a range from 3 to 20tum2, which is proved by injectivity test. Plugging ability and plugging mechanism of clay plugging system are studied, including clay dispersion system, curing system of clay and super—fine cement, floeculation system of clay—AM—AMPS and clay—phenolicresin gel. Curing system of stabilizing Na—bentonite and super—fine cement was successfully applied to two wells in Gudao oilfield in 2009 and achieved good effects.
Key words:  high temperature and high salinity  large pore paths  profile control  stabilizing Na—bentonite