引用本文:李锦超,葛际江,吴芳,仉莉,张贵才. 一种稠油热/化学驱用表面活性剂性能研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(2): 175-178,100.
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李锦超, 葛际江, 吴芳, 仉莉, 张贵才
对一种热采用表面活性剂LC进行了性能评价,LC与孤岛三区原油动态界面张力在10-1mN/m数量级,与NaOH复配时则可达到超低界面张力。70℃下,LC在石英砂上的静态吸附量为3.618 5 mg/g。LC在150℃下具有很好的耐温性能,200℃下半衰期也在15天以上。LC溶液与原油质量比3∶7和2∶8混合,降粘率都在85%以上。150℃下动态驱替试验表明,采收率随着加入表面活性剂浓度的增大而增大,但是,活性剂浓度不宜太高;LC与0.5%的NaOH复配能显著提高采收率,当LC商品浓度为0.5%时,热水/碱/表面活性剂驱采收率比热水/碱驱提高10.85%,说明碱与表面活性剂具有很好的协同效应。试验表明LC可以作为稠油热采添加剂。
关键词:  稠油  热/化学驱  表面活性剂  耐温性能  驱油试验
Performance Study on One Surfactant for Heavy Oil Thermal/Chemical Flooding
Li Jinchao, Ge Jijiang, Wu Fang
School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao 266555,Shandong
The Performance of one surfactant for thermal recovery was evaluated by experiment. The interiacial tension (IFT) of crude oil from Gudao third block in LC solution is 10-1mN/m,ultra—low IFT can be further achieved when NaOH was added.Static adsorption result showed that the maximum adsorption of LC on quartz sand at 70°C is 3. 6185mg/g, Besides, LC has good temperature resistance at 150°C ; even at 200°C, its half—time is longer than 15 days. When LC solution and crude oil were mixed in mass ratio of 3/7 and 2/8 at 70°C, oil viscosity can be dramatically decreased by more than 85%. Heavy oil dynamic flooding tests at 150°C indicated that oil recovery raises with the increase of LC concentration, but the concentration of surfactant should not be too high in consideration of its cost. When 0. 5wt% NaOH was compounded with 0.5wt% LC, oil recovery of hot water/alkali/surfactant flooding is 10.85% higher than that of hot water/alkali flooding, exhibiting good synergistic effect between NaOH and LC. It can be concluded that LC is a promising thermal additive in thermalrecovery of heavy oil.
Key words:  heavy oil  thermal/chemical flooding  surfactant  temperature resistance  oil flooding tests