引用本文:王晓东,王文娟. 空气氧化处理天然气处理厂检修污水探索[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(2): 211-213,102.
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王晓东1, 王文娟2
天然气处理厂在检修过程中产生的高浓度有机污水,污染物浓度高、水量集中,短时间内处理较困难。对检修污水的水质进行了分析,提出了空气曝气处理的检修污水的实验路线。对空气曝气量和pH值进行了考查,确定了曝气量为2.5 L/min以及原废水直接曝气处理的最佳条件。实验结果表明:高浓度检修污水中的MDEA经空气曝气处理可以大幅度降解;溶液中的MDEA经曝气后,是被氧化而非吹脱,产物主要为乙二醇、甲酸等。同时,对空气氧化溶液中MDEA的机理和过程进行了分析和讨论,对氧化产物进行了分析验证。
关键词:  MDEA废水  空气曝气  氧化降解
Study of Wastewater Treatment from the Overhaul Process of Natural Gas Purification Plant by Air Oxidization Degradation
Wang Xiaodong1
1.Chongqing Natural Gas Purification Plant General, PetroChina Southwest Oil&.Gasfield Company;2.School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University
During the overhaul process of natural gas purification plant, it will release high concentration organic wastewater with high pollutants concentrations and large quantity of water, which is difficult to treat in short time. After analyzing wastewater quality, the air aeration treatment is proposed as a experimental line to treat the wastewater. By studying on the air aeration amount and pH, the ventilator capacity was determined to be 2.5L/min and the best conditions for the treatment was determined that the solution pH should not to be adjusted. The results show that MDEA in high concentration wastewater can degrade significantly after air aeration treatment; the MDEA in the solution has been oxidized but not stripped;which produced mainly glycol, formic acid and so on; analysis and discussion is made to the mechanism and process of the MEDA in the solution which was oxidized by air, and the oxidation products is analyzed and verified.
Key words:  MDEA wastewater  air aeration  oxidization degradation