引用本文:唐翠萍,梁德青,樊栓狮. 不同气体组成对低剂量抑制剂效果的影响[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(3): 228-231,217.
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唐翠萍1,2, 梁德青1,2, 樊栓狮3
在4℃、8.5 MPa压力下,于1.072 L反应釜内,研究了实验室合成气、墨西哥湾绿峡谷气和国内某油田实际油田气在低剂量抑制剂Inhibex501和GHI1存在下水合物生成过程。实验结果表明,添加低剂量抑制剂Inhibex501和GHI1后,水合物的生成顺序和相平衡条件决定的顺序不同,添加Inhibex501后,水合物有明显的两次升温过程。分析认为水合物形成的先后顺序不仅受反应驱动力的影响,还受低剂量抑制剂的影响,低剂量抑制剂对不同气体的抑制能力不同。
关键词:  气体水合物  低剂量抑制剂  形成时间
Influence of Gas Components on Ability of Low Dosage Hydrate Inhibitors
Tang Cuiping1,2, Liang Deqing1,2, Fan Shuanshi3
1.Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510640,China;2.GuangzhouInstitute of Energy Conversion & Key Laboratory of Renewahle Energy and Gas Hydrate, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China;3.South China University of Technology
In a 1. 072-liter reactor under the condition of 8.5MPa and 4℃, gas hydrates formation process inthree types of gas mixtures: laboratory syngas, Green Canyon gas and domestic actual field gas, was investigated withlow dosage inhibitors Inhibex 501 and GHI1. The resultsshow that the gas hydrate formation order is different whenadding Inhibex 501 and GHI1; the temperature rises obviously twice after adding Inhibex 501. It is thought gas hydrate formation order is influenced by not only driving fore,but also low dosage hydrate inhibitors, which is decided byoperating conditions; low dosage inhibitors have different inhibition ability to different gas components.
Key words:  gas hydrate  low dosage inhibitors  formation time