引用本文:程霖,额日其太,计维安,宋彬. 天然气超音速分离器中漩涡发生器及喷管的数值模拟研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(3): 232-235,242,217.
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程霖1, 额日其太1, 计维安2, 宋彬
天然气超音速分离技术是近年来发展起来的新型天然气脱水技术。漩涡发生器及喷管是天然气超音速分离器的关键部件之一。通过对直叶片、折叶片和弯叶片三种不同叶片形式的漩涡发生器的流场进行了数值模拟研究,结果表明,弯叶片的漩涡发生器具有良好的性能。此外,对天然气超音速分离器的喷管流动进行了研究。结果 证明,本文采用的漩涡发生器和喷管可以获得很低的温度和强大的离心力,可以使天然气中的水蒸气冷凝成小液滴并分离出来,从而达到天然气脱水的目的。
关键词:  超音速分离器  漩涡发生器  数值模拟  天然气脱水  喷管
Numerical Simulation Research on the Vortex Generator and Nozzle of Natural Gas Supersonic Separator
Cheng Lin1, Eriqitai1, Ji Weian2
1.School of JetPropulsion, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100191, China;2.Research Institute of NaturalGas Technology of PetroChina Southwest Oil & GasfieldCompany, Chengdu 610213, China
The natural gas supersonic separation tech-nology is the new dehydration technology which is developedin recent years. The vortex generator and nozzle are two keycomponents of the natural gas supersonic separator. Numerical simulation research was carried out on the flow fields ofthree types of vortex generators with straight blade, angledblade and curved blade. The results show that the vortexgenerator with curved blade has a good performance. In addition, the nozzle flow of the natural gas supersonic separa-tion was studied, and the results proved that the vortex generator and nozzle mentioned in this paper can get lower temperature and more powerful centrifugal force, which willcondense the water vapor in the natural gas into small drop-lets and then be separated out so as to achieve the goal ofnatural gas dehydration.
Key words:  supersonic separator  vortex generator  numerical simulation  natural gas dehydration  nozzle