引用本文:施翔星,宋梦桃. 处理量对酮苯装置油蜡收率及能耗的影响[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(3): 240-242,217,218.
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施翔星, 宋梦桃
根据实际生产数据探讨了酮苯装置处理量与产品收率、能耗的关系。为优化操作,可作如下控制:生产三线-5℃油,当原料处理量为10 t/h、一次稀释量为12 t/h,一段滤机进料温度控制在-13℃~-12℃时,产品收率为65.93%,平均耗电量为5887 kWh;生产三线石蜡,当原料处理量为5 t/h、一次稀释量为15 t/h,一段滤机进料温度控制在3℃~4℃时,产品收率为74.53%,平均耗电量为4924 kWh。
关键词:  酮苯脱蜡油装置  处理量  收率  能耗
Effect of Processing Amount on Yield Percentage and Energy Consumption of Ketone-Benzol Dewaxing and Deoiling Unit
Shi Xiangxing, Song Mengtao
PetroChina Sichuan Petrochemical Nanchong Refinery
The paper discussed the amount effect onyield percentage and energy consumption of ketone-benzoldewaxing and deoiling unit. To optimize the operation, when the lubricant oil frozen at -5℃ is processed, the parameters should be set as follows: processing amount at 10t/h, diluting amount at 12t/h, feeding temperature controlled between -13℃~-12℃, yield percentage is 65.93% with an energy consumption of 5887 kWh in average; when the 3rd decompression line wax is processed, the parameters should be set as follows: processing amount at 5t/h, diluting amount at 15t/h, feeding temperature controlled between 3℃~4℃, the yield percentage obtained is 74.53% with an energy consumption of 4924 kWh in average.
Key words:  ketone-benzol dewaxing and deoiling unit  processing amount  yield percentage  energy consumption