引用本文:温崇荣,赵榆,吴晓琴. S-Zorb工艺再生烟气进入硫磺回收装置的分析探讨[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(3): 243-246,253,218.
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温崇荣1, 赵榆2, 吴晓琴3
关键词:  油品升级  S-Zorb工艺  烟气  处理  硫磺回收
Analysis and Discussion of Regeneration Flue Gas of S-Zorb Process into the Sulfur Recovery Unit
Wen Chongrong1, Zhao Yu2, Wu Xiaoqin3
1.Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChinaSouthwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, 610213;2.Refining and Chemical Engineering Division, PetroChinaSouthwest Oil & Gasfield Company;3.Chongqing NaturalGas Purification Plant General,PetroChina Southwest Oil &Gasfield Company
Upgrading the quality of gasoline product to reduce sulfur content in gasoline is a very important measure for environmental protection. Many years ago, Sinopecintroduced the adsorptive desulphurization technology (SZorb process) from Phillips Petroleum Corporation to im-prove the gasoline product quality, and consequently, SZorb process is becoming popular recently. However, howto deal with S-Zorb flue gas effectively has become the bottleneck technology to the extended application of S- Zorbprocess. By research and analysis, we propose that S-Zorbflue gas should be incinerated in the furnace of sulfur recovery unit, and it is not recommended to be reduced in tail gastreatment unit. A comprehensive process design should betaken into account to make a reasonable selection.
Key words:  gasoline  quality upgrading  S-Zorb process  flue gas  treatment  sulfur recovery