引用本文:谭中良,韩秀贞,海玉芝,吕成远. 塔河缝洞油藏驱油体系性能评价[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(3): 271-274,219.
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谭中良, 韩秀贞, 海玉芝, 吕成远
根据塔河碳酸盐岩缝洞型油藏的特点,筛选出合适的聚表剂进行实验研究。实验结果表明,该聚表剂在较低浓度0.035%时,油水界面张力就达到10-2mN/m;在高温、高盐油藏条件下的界面张力可以达10-2mN/m;聚表剂可使原油粘度降低达到94%以上;聚表剂在老化30天后,与塔河原油之间的界面张力维持在1×10-2mN/m。模拟裂缝实验表明,盐水只能将大于4.0mm缝隙中的原油重力分异出来,而聚表剂能将1.16 mm缝隙中的原油大幅度置换出来;模拟缝洞组合实验表明,裂缝宽度越大,洞中模拟油被置换出的速度越快。
关键词:  聚表剂  界面张力  粘度  置换  缝隙
Performance Evaluation of Flooding System for Fracture-Cave Type Reservoirs in Tahe Oilfield
Tan Zhongliang, Han Xiuzhen, Hai Yuzhi
Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute of SINOPEC, Beijing 100083, China
Poly-surfactant to fit the characteristics of the fracture-cave type carbonate reservoirs in Tahe oilfield is selected. The experimental results showed that the oilwater interfacial tension reaches 10-2 mN/m when the poly -surfactant is in the lower concentration of 0. 035%. The interfacial tension can be lower than 10-2 mN/m at high temperature and high salt reservoir conditions. By using poly-surfactant, the crude oil viscosity can be reduced to 94% above, and the interracial tension maintained within 10-2 mN/m after heated for 30 days. The simulated crack experiment showed that salted water cannot displace oil when the gap less than 4.0mm, but the poly-surfactant water can displace oil substantially when the gap was 1.16mm. The combination of suture holes simulation experiments showed that the greater the crack width is, the more the simulated oil out of the hole is.
Key words:  poly-surfactant  interfacial tension  viscosity  displacement  gap