引用本文:邓洪达,李春福,曹献龙. 高含H2S环境中CO2对P110套管钢氢脆腐蚀行为的影响[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(3): 275-279,297,219,220.
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邓洪达1,2, 李春福2, 曹献龙1
关键词:  套管钢  H2S/CO2  SSC  氢渗透  腐蚀产物膜
The Effect of CO2 on Hydrogen Embrittlement Corrosion Behaviors of Tubular Steel P110 in Acid Solution Dissolved High H2S
Deng Hongda1,2, Li Chunfu2, Cao Xianlong1
1.School of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Chongqing University of Science and Technology, Chongqing 401331, Chi- na;2.State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, Sichuan, China
Hydrogen embrittlement behaviors of tubular steel API-P110 in the acid solution dissolved 50% H2S and 50% CO2 or 50% H2S only were investigated by immer- sion test, sulfide stress cracking corrosion (SSC) at the constant loading, and electrochemical hydrogen permeation test. Effects of CO2 on hydrogen embrittlement corrosion behavior are discussed. Compared to that of steels without being corroded, in H2S and CO2 or H2S only, the tensile strength(σb), yield strength (σs) and elongation rate at rupture(δc) of steel decline; comparing with in H2S only, the strength and elongation of steel in H2 S and CO2 decline less, embrittlement rate is low, the SSC susceptibility of steel lightens, and hydrogen permeation rate(J) decreases. In various corrosive environment, hydrogen permeation density (JH) dramatically increases to peak value as time goes on, then descend slowly until the steady state appears. In high H2 S, CO2 improves compactness of corrosion scale, and de- creases the content of FexSy in scale. Therefore, the amount of hydrogen permeation in H2 S and CO2 is more than in H2 S only, as results in the susceptibility of hydrogen embrittlement of steel decreases.
Key words:  tubular steel  H2S/CO2  SSC  hydrogen permeation  corrosion scale