引用本文:陈文,袁学芳,郭建春,刘举,刘敏. 多氢酸深部分流酸化技术在东河油田的应用研究与效果评价[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(3): 285-288,220.
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陈文1, 袁学芳2, 郭建春1, 刘举, 刘敏
关键词:  低渗  多氢酸  分流酸化  CⅢ油组1号岩性段
Application and Evaluation on Multi-Hydro Acid Deep Diversion Acidizing Technology in Donghe Oilfield
Chen Wen1, Yuan Xuefang2, Guo Jianchun1
1.College of Petroleum Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, Sichuan, China;2.Oil-Gas Engineering Institute, PetroChina Tarim Oilfield Company, Kuerle 841000, Xingjiang, China
Because of the high inhomogeneity and bad property of CⅢ 1st reservoir in Donghe oilfeild of the Tarim basin, the water injection is usually inaccessible to the geology injection allocation. So the producing energy is deficient and the oil production descends quickly. The conventional acidification can’t relieve the formation deep contamination. According to the trait of the low permeability and high component kaolinite clay, this paper developed a multi-hydro acid system that can realize the deep acidification slowly, and analyzed the adaptability of multihydro acid applied in Donghe oilfield combined with the acidification mechanism of it. According to the trait of high inhomogeneity, hydrotrop was diverted into the acidizing fluid, and the simulated experiment of diversion acidification was carried out for site core in laboratory. The multihydro acid was recommended to apply in A15H well in this reservoir and significant effect of increasing injection was attained.
Key words:  CⅢ 1st reservoir  low permeability  multi-hydro acid  diversion acidification