引用本文:黄贵存,马飞,李勇明,徐莹莹,何红梅. 致密碎屑岩气藏低伤害压裂液的研究与应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(3): 289-293,220.
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黄贵存, 马飞, 李勇明, 徐莹莹, 何红梅
关键词:  低伤害  致密碎屑岩  纤维  超低浓度  线性自生泡沫
Research and Application on the Low Damage Fracturing Fluid in the Tight Sandstone Gas Reservoir
HuangGuicun, Ma Fei, Li Yongming
Engineering Technology Institute of Southwest Petroleum Branch,Sinopec
With deep development of the gas reser- voirs of Penglaizhen layer in western Sichuan, formation energy is continually falling. Some problems have cropped up during fracturing process, including flowback rate dropping and fracturing fluid filtrate invading seriously, which restrict efficient exploitation of shallow layer Penglaizhen gas reser- voirs. Based on the research of performance requirements of the fracturing fluids, technical countermeasures was proposed to reduce fracturing fluid damage to reservoir, and improve the development benefits of gas reservoirs. Finally, the two low damage fracturing fluid systems: ultra-low concentration thickener fracturing fluid system and linear fracturing fluid system are formed, which are suitable for Sichuan Penglaizhen gas reservoir and widely applied in western Sichuan Penglaizhen. Flowback rate are 65.1% and 61.9%respectively, average production are 0.81×104m3/d and 1.45×104m3/d respectively after fracturing. The significant effect for increasing yield is achieved.
Key words:  low damage  tight sandstone  fiber  ultralow concentration  linear self-generating foam