引用本文:张云善,徐晓峰,周兴付,胡钟琴,王雨生. 紫外分光光度法测定须家河组气井产出液中缓蚀剂的含量[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(3): 298-302,308,221.
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为了防止CO2酸性气体对川西须家河组气井井下管柱的腐蚀,依据经验,定期向气井添加缓蚀剂。为了建立更合理的缓蚀剂加药制度,需要测定产出液中缓蚀剂的浓度。本文采用紫外分光光度法,在对气井产出液干扰因素分析的基础上提出消除干扰方法,并建立气井产出水中缓蚀剂浓度标准曲线。在缓蚀剂质量浓度为0~100 mg/L范围内,缓蚀剂质量浓度与吸光度具有较好的线性关系;对气井产出水配制的缓蚀剂水溶液的测定表明,测定误差小于10%。
关键词:  气田产出液  紫外分光光度法  咪唑啉缓蚀剂浓度
Determination of Corrosion Inhibitor Content in Prodduced Fluid from Xojiahe Gas Well by UV Speetrophotometry
Zhang Yunshan1,2, Xu Xiaofeng1,2, Zhou Xingfu1,2
1.West Sichuan Gas Production Plant of Southwest Oil/Gas Field Branch;2.Sinopec
In order to prevent acid gas CO2 from corroding downhole strings of Xujiahe gas well in west Sichuan, corrosion inhibitor is regularly added to the gas well according to experience. For the purpose of establishing a more rational inhibitor dosing system, inhibitor concentration in produced fluid requires to be measured. In this paper, ultraviolet spectrophotometry was adapted to eliminate interference on the basis of analyzing interference factors of gas well produced fluid and standard curve of inhibitor concentration in produced fluid was established. In the case that inhibitor mass concentration range is 0~100mmg/L, there exists a good linear relationship between inhibitor mass concentration and absorbance. The determination of aqueous solution of corrosion inhibitor prepared for gas well produced water shows that measurement tolerance is less than 10%.
Key words:  gas produced fluid  UV spectrophotometry  concentration of imidazoline corrosion inhibitor