引用本文:刘燕妮,孙标,杨国敏,皇甫立霞,鲁凯,鹿来运,等. 混合工质循环气体液化系统组分测定方法研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(3): 294-297,220,221.
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刘燕妮, 孙标, 杨国敏, 皇甫立霞, 鲁凯, 鹿来运, 郭开华
关键词:  气体液化  制冷循环  混合工质  组分测定  气相色谱
Study on Test Method for Composition in Mixed Refrigerant Cycle Gas Liquefaction System
Liu Yanni, Sun Biao, Yang Guomin
School of Engineering, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510006, China
The composition of working fluids has con- siderable influence on the performance of the mixed refrigerant cycle (MRC) of gas liquefaction system and is also the key for optimization of the gas liquefaction process and cycle performance. During the adjustment and operation of actual system, it is necessary to analyze the working mixture composition quantitatively. In this paper, a composition testing method has been established, which is based on gas chromatography (GC) for the mixed refrigerant used in a small-scale pre-cooling cycle gas liquefaction system. It is shown that the developed method has the advantages of rapidity, simpleness, convenience and accuracy in determinating the composition of multi-component working fluids and can be effectively used to optimize the MRC gas liquefaction sys- tem.
Key words:  gas liquefaction  refrigeration cycle  mixed refrigerant  composition test  gas chromatography