引用本文:袁瑞瑞,段明,王虎,谢娟,唐洪明. 含聚合物油田采出水的结垢规律研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(3): 305-308,221.
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袁瑞瑞1, 段明1, 王虎1,2, 谢娟, 唐洪明
传统的标准方法用于评价含聚合物油田采出水的结垢行为会出现较大误差,这是由于聚合物与EDTA竞争螯合水溶液中的钙离子的结果。本文提出了一种评价含聚合物采出水结垢情况的新方法,相对传统方法通过测定成垢前后溶液中钙离子浓度间接反应溶液中结垢情况,该方法直接测定了结垢的质量。另外,结合了原标准中的络合滴定钙离子的方法,对含聚污水中聚合物对污水结垢行为的影响进行了系统研究。结果 显示,聚合物浓度和分子量对水体结垢影响很大,这与聚合物中酰胺基能够与钙离子发生螯合作用有关。
关键词:  采出水  聚合物  结垢  评价方法
Scaling Behavior Research on Oilfield Produced Water Containing Polymer
Yuan Ruirui1, Duan Ming1, Wang Hu1,2
1.State key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Southwest Petroleum University;2.School of Chemical Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University
A big error might occur when traditional standard method is used to evaluate the scaling behavior of oilfield produced water containing polymer. This is due to the competition of polymer and EDTA to chelating aqueous calcium ions. In this paper, a novel method was proposed to evaluate the scaling behavior of oilfield produced water containing polymer. The weight of scale could be measured directly by this method. Also, the influencing of polymer concentration and molecular weight in oilfield produced water on the scaling behavior was researched systematically combining with the chelatometry,which is used to measure the concen tration of free calcium ion in the solution according to the related standards. It is shown that the polymer concentration and molecular weight have remarkable influence on scaling which is due to the chelating ability of polymer’s amide group to calcium ion.
Key words:  produced water  polymer  scaling  evaluation method