引用本文:陈明燕,刘政,王晓东,许志斌. 含油污泥无害化及资源化处理新技术及发展方向[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(3): 313-317,222.
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陈明燕1, 刘政2, 王晓东3, 许志斌
关键词:  含油污泥  无害化  资源化  新技术  发展方向
New Harmless and Recycling Treatment Technology and Development Direction of the Oily Sludge
Chen Mingyan1, Liu Zheng2, Wang Xiaodong3
1.College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University;2.Graduate School of Southwest Petroleum University;3.Chongqing Natural Gas Purification Plant General, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company
Oily sludge treatment is one of important environmental protection issues in petroleum industry. Oily sludge harmless disposal and recycling treatment technology becomes the focus of research in recent years. The conventional and new technologies of oily sludge harmless disposal and recycling treatment in recent years are summarized in this paper, the advantages and disadvantages of various treatment technologies are contrastively analyzed, and the Chemistry-Biology joint treatment technology will become the main research direction in the future. According to the physicochemical characteristics of oily sludge and the ideas of "combined harmless disposal with recycling", the application of the harmless disposal and recycling of the oily sludge will be realized.
Key words:  oily sludge  harmless disposal  recycling  new technology  development direction