引用本文:李宏岭,韩秀贞,李明远. 交联比对交联聚合物微球性能的影响[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(4): 362-366,325.
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李宏岭1, 韩秀贞2, 李明远3
关键词:  交联聚合物微球  粒径  溶胀  交联比  变形性
Influence of Microsphere-Crosslinked Ratio on the Performance of Cross Linked Polymer Microsphere
Li Hongling1, Han Xiuzhen2, Li Mingyuan3
1.International Petroleum Exploration and Production Corporation,SINOPEC,Beijing 100083,China;2.Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute,SINOPEC,Beijing 100083,China;3.Enhanced Oil Recovery Research Center,China University of Petroleum,Beijing 102249,China
Influence of microsphere-crosslinked ratio on the performance of crosslinked polymer microsphere was studied by dynamic light scattering experiments,scanning electron microscopy experiments,nuclear pore membrane filtrating experiments and core flooding experiments.The experimental results show that swelling microspheres sizes are different because of different hydration crosslinked ratio;the smaller the crosslinked ratio becomes,the looser microspheres structure is,the larger swelling multiple is.With the decrease of crosslinked ratio,the soft degree of microsphere increased,and the deformability of microsphere enhanced.The nuclear pore membrane filtrating experimental results show that the microspheres with moderate size and better deformability have better blocking ability.The core flooding experiments results further show that the microsphere with better deformability can easier access to the deep reservoir and occur closure.The field application test shows that the polymer microsphere system can increase oil production and reduce water.
Key words:  crosslinked polymer microsphere  size  swelling  crosslinked ratio  deformability