引用本文:刘友权,王琳,熊颖,吴文刚,张永国. 高温碳酸盐岩自生酸酸液体系研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(4): 367-369,325.
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刘友权1, 王琳2, 熊颖1, 吴文刚, 张永国
关键词:  自生酸  高温  反应速率  碳酸盐岩  酸化
Study on Self-Generating Hydrochloric Acid System for High-Temperature Carbonate Rock
Liu Youquan1, Wang Lin2, Xiong Ying1
1.Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology,PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company,Chengdu 610213;2.Southern Sichuan Gas Field,PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company,Luzhou 646000
At high temperature,A and B can produce HCl,chloroacetic I can produce hydroxyl chloroacetic acid.We took the A,B and I as the parent acid,deployed a self-generating hydrochloric acid for high-temperature carbonate rock,and studied its performance.At high temperature,the self-generating hydrochloric acid can release hydrogen ion with a concentration of over 3.8 mol/L,effective dissolution rate of over 72%,which has a strong dissolution to carbonate rock reservoir.And the acid rock reaction time is greater than 1 h which can play a role of deep acidification.The dynamic corrosion rate can be controlled in 60 g/m2 ·h with N80 carbon steel.Core flow test and scanning electron microscopy experiments verify the acidification of the self-generating hydrochloric acid at high temperature,and the effect of acidification is better than the other’s.
Key words:  self-generating hydrochloric acid  high temperature  rate of reaction  carbonate rock  acidizing