引用本文:王浩,陈健,刘定华,刘晓勤. 碳酸乙烯酯水解法合成乙二醇的气相色谱分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(5): 514-517,431.
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王浩, 陈健, 刘定华, 刘晓勤
本文以Porapak-Q担体为固定相,用气相色谱法定性定量分析碳酸乙烯酯水解合成乙二醇的产物。对此体系的色谱条件进行了简要讨论,水解产物采用对照法进行定性分析、内标法进行定量分析,并对此法的准确性和精密度进行了考察。结果 表明,该法定性、定量结果均符合分析要求,且操作简便快速,精密度高,准确度好,适用于环状碳酸酯水解合成二元醇的质量分析,尤其对碳酸乙烯酯水解合成乙二醇新工艺的研究具有实用价值。
关键词:  碳酸乙烯酯  水解  乙二醇  气相色谱分析  内标法
Gas Chromatographic Analysis for Synthesis of Ethylene Glycol from Ethylene Carbonate Hydrolysis
Wang Hao, Chen Jian, Liu Dinghua
College of Chemical and Chemistry Engineering,State Key Laboratory of Materials-Oriented Chemical Engineering,Nanjing University of Technology,Nanjing 210009,Jiangsu,China
Taking Porapak-Q organic monomer as stationary phase,a gas chromatographic method is used in qualitative analysis and quantitative determination of the ethylene glycol produced from ethylene carbonate hydrolysis reaction.Chromatographic conditions of this system are briefly discussed.Contrast method is used in qualitative analysis,and internal standard method is used in quantitative determination.The accuracy and precision for each component of the method were examined.The experimental results show that the analysis result by this analysis method can meet the analytic requirement.It is convenient,quick and sensitive with good accuracy and precision,so it is suitable to be applied in the quantitative analysis of hydrolysis product,particularly have useful value for the synthetic technology of ethylene glycol from ethylene carbonate hydrolysis.
Key words:  ethylene carbonate  hydrolysis  ethylene glycol  gas chromatography  internal standard method