引用本文:位华,马金,何焕杰,詹适新,杨云鹏,吕宁超,等. 固结-氧化复合固化法处理酸性气田钻井液废液[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(5): 518-521,526,431.
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位华, 马金, 何焕杰, 詹适新, 杨云鹏, 吕宁超, 张淑侠, 郭民乐
采用固化-氧化-调整复合固化技术处理高酸性气田深井聚磺钻井液废液,考察了水泥、络合剂、氧化剂和调整剂对复合固化处理效果的影响。实验结果表明,废液处理后固化物浸出液的COD值随络合剂和氧化剂用量的增加而降低,而水泥用量对固化物浸出液的COD值影响较小;固化物浸出液的pH值随着调整剂的增加而减小。正交实验优选的固结-氧化-调整复合固化工艺的药剂配方为:水泥2%、络合剂6%、氧化剂4%、调整剂6%。处理后固化物浸出液水质达到GB 8978-1996《污水综合排放标准》中的一级标准。
关键词:  高酸性气田  聚磺钻井液废液  复合固化  化学需氧量(COD)
Treating the Waste Drilling Fluid in High Sour Gas Field by Combined Process of the Solidification-Oxidization-Adjustment
Wei Hua, Ma Jin, He Huanjie
Research Institute of Drilling Engineering and Technology,Zhongyuan Petroleum Exploration Bureau,SINOPEC,Puyang 457001,China
The waste drilling fluid in Puyuang high sour gasfield containing polymer sulfonate applied in deep well was treated by the combined technology of solidification,oxidation and adjustment.The effects of lime,complexing agent,oxidant and adjustment agent on the combined technology were studied.The experimental results indicate that the value of COD in the leaching of the waste drilling fluid solidification will decrease with the increase of oxidation and complexing agent,but the dose of lime has little influence on the COD removal;The value of pH will decrease with the increase of the dose of adjustment.The best formula of the technology provided by L16(44) orthogonal experiment is: lime 2%,complexing agent 6%,oxidant 4%,adjustment agent 6%,the leaching concentration of industrial solid waste can meet the demand of the first grade of GB 8978-1996 Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard.
Key words:  high sour gasfield  waste drilling fluid containing polymer sulfonate  combined solidification technology  chemical oxygen demand