引用本文:刘盛兵,向启贵,李竞,唐伟. 现场监测预警平台在高含硫气田应急救援中的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(5): 527-530,432.
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刘盛兵1, 向启贵1, 李竞2, 唐伟
关键词:  高含硫气田  监测  预警  应急救援  应用
The Application of the Platform of Monitoring and Early Warning System for Emergency Rescue in High Sour Gas Field
Liu Shengbing1, Xiang Qigui1, Li Jing2
1.The Safety,Environment & Technology Supervision Research Institute,Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company,PetroChina;2.China Academy of Safety Science & Technology
Aimed at the lack of emergency rescue system for the gas-field accident,the platform of monitoring and early warning system is built on the base of GIS technology,on which the system can realize the unified and synergistic function of rescue,at the same time it can provide the global,visualized,efficient emergency rescue information service and decision support to enhance the scientific and timeliness of urgent rescue through the wireless transformation.The monitoring system can deploy quickly on the accident spot;make assistant decision for urgent conduction;send the information of acoustic and video,poisonous gas concentration,GPS,terrain,wind speed,wind direction etc.to the remote conduction center.The leaders and experts can make timely decision,control the accident consequence spread,and maintain the social stability and people’s properties safety according to the information provided by the system.Besides the regional geo-information,the system also contain the environmental sensitive area database,emergency rescue power database,accident consequence stimulation models etc.,and have the function of predicting the urgent event consequence and stimulating to deal with urgent event on the man-machine interaction conditions.
Key words:  high sour gas field  monitoring  early warning  emergency rescue  application