引用本文:韩晓昱,姜飞,郝萍,王海,王丹丹. 催化剂用载体硅胶孔隙特性分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(6): 556-558,537.
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韩晓昱1, 姜飞2, 郝萍1, 王海, 王丹丹
关键词:  气体吸附法  扫描电镜法  载体硅胶  孔隙结构  表面形貌  等温曲线  孔径分布
Pore Structure Analysis of Silica Gel as Carrier Used for Catalyst
Han Xiaoyu1, Jiang Fei2, Hao Ping1
1.PetroChina Lanzhou Petrochemical Research Center,Lanzhou 730060,Gansu,China;2.PetroChina Lanzhou Lubrication Grease Factory,Lanzhou 730060,Gansu,China).CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF OIL & GAS,VOL.40,NO.6,pp556~558,2011(ISSN 1007-3426,IN CHINESE
Analyzing the pore structure and surface morphology of silica gels as carrier by gas adsorption and scanning electron microscope,four kinds of silica gels as carriers used for catalyst were measured.The result shows that all four kinds of silica gels contain a large quantity of cylindrical mesopores which open uniformly at both ends and mesopores with narrow pore size distribution;the specific surface of silica gel LSG-1 is close with silica gel 955,the total pore volume of all four kinds of silica gels is more than 1.550 cm3/g and the average pore size is more than 21.00 nm;the pore size distribution of all are similar and approximate to Gaussian distribution;all silica gel particles have good sphericity,and exhibit uneven and rough surface with crack.
Key words:  gas adsorption  scanning electron microscope  silica gel as carrier  pore structure  surface morphology  adsorption-desorption isotherms  pore size distribution