引用本文:田中敬,刘道杰. 高温高压凝析气藏气相中水含量计算新方法[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(6): 553-555,566,537.
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田中敬, 刘道杰
关键词:  高温高压  凝析气藏  气相    缔合模型
A New Method for Calculating Water Vapor Content of Gas Phase in High Temperature and High Pressure Gas Condensate Reservoirs
Tian Zhongjing, Liu Daojie
Graduate School of Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500,Sichuan,China).CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF OIL & GAS,VOL.40,NO.6,pp553~555,2011(ISSN 1007-3426,IN CHINESE
Calculating water vapor contents of gas phase accurately is a base of complex phase behavior analysis in high temperature and high pressure(HTHP) gas condensate reservoirs.In high temperature and high pressure gas condensate reservoirs,water and hydrocarbon molecules in gas phase are associated to form hydrocarbon carbohydrates(ACnHm·BH2O).This is the major reason for special characteristics in gas phase.Based on principles of phase balance and fluid thermodynamics equilibrium,taking into account the influence of high temperature,high pressure and the density on the associative reaction,association model with four parameters for calculating water vapor contents was established.The values of four model parameters(ai) were determined using multi-variable regression method.The new method is demonstrated reliably and practically by analyzing and comparing some examples.
Key words:  high temperature and high pressure  gas condensate reservoirs  gas phase  water  association model