引用本文:马丽娜,马守涛,刘丽莹,宋金鹤,石峰. 焦化蜡油络合脱氮-催化裂化组合工艺研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(6): 571-573,538.
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马丽娜, 马守涛, 刘丽莹, 宋金鹤, 石峰
关键词:  焦化蜡油  碱氮脱除率  络合脱氮-催化裂化组合工艺
Study on the Combined Process of Complexing Denitrifying and FCC Treating Coke Wax Oil
Ma Lina, Ma Shoutao, Liu Liying
The Research Center in Chemical Industry of Daqing,Daqing 163714,Heilongjiang,China).CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF OIL & GAS,VOL.40,NO.6,pp571~573,2011(ISSN 1007-3426,IN CHINESE
The coke wax oil is treated by PDN denitrifying agent,the rate of removing nitrides is 64.3% and the yield of the denitrifying wax oil is 97.3% when dose-oil ratio is 1∶100.The evaluation results of small-scale unit of FCC indicate that the yield of the light fuel oil distillate increased by 7.65% and the total yield of the liquid fuel oil distillate increased by 9.80% at the same condition by comparing combined process of the complex denitrifying and FCC with the pure FCC treating.Treating coke wax oil by complexing denitrifying reaction,it decreases the poison of FCC catalysts and increases the yield of the light fuel oil.
Key words:  coke wax oil  the rate of removing nitrides  combined process of complexing denitrifying and FCC