引用本文:张国欣,郭海军,郭晓男,林文兴,王永军. 锦州原油降凝剂的研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(6): 585-586,593,539.
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张国欣, 郭海军, 郭晓男, 林文兴, 王永军
锦州原油为高蜡质原油,本研究针对该原油的特性,优选合成了多种羧酸酯共聚物型降凝剂LF-04,并对试验结果和影响加剂效果的因素进行了分析。锦州原油最佳热处理温度在50℃以上,最优加剂浓度为400mg/L,其原油凝点值由原来的21℃降至9℃,反常点降至40℃,比空白原油反常点降低了5℃。在原油温度25℃,剪速为16s-1下加入400mg/L的降凝剂LF-04,原油表观粘度由原来1 150mPa.s降至339mPa.s,降粘率为70.5%。
关键词:  降凝剂  凝点  羧酸酯共聚物型降凝剂  锦州原油
Research of Pour Point Depressant for Jinzhou(JZ) Crude Oil
Zhang Guoxin, Guo Haijun, Guo Xiaonan
CNOOC Energy Development Company Limited,Oil Technical Services Branch,Tianjin 300452,China).CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF OIL & GAS,VOL.40,NO.6,pp585~586,2011(ISSN 1007-3426,IN CHINESE
In response to the high wax content in the JZ crude oil,a variety of carboxylic acid ester copolymer type pour point depressants(PPDs) were synthesized and the depressant of LF-04 was chosen as the best one.Subsequently,factors affecting its effect on the depression were analyzed.It was found that the optimum heat processing temperature for the JZ crude oil with the additive of LF-04 is above 50℃,and the optimal PPD concentration is 400mg/l.In addition,the pour point of the crude oil was reduced from original 21℃ to 9 ℃ with the presence of 400 mg/L inhibitor,and correspondingly,the abnormal point was reduced from 45℃ to 40℃.Apart from the above,at the temperature of 25℃ and shear rate of 16 s-1,the apparent viscosity of the crude oil with the addition of LF-04 at the concentration of 400 mg/L was decreased by 70.5%.Consequently,based on the the good static stability,depressant of LF-04 has good prospects of popularization and application in oil fields.
Key words:  pour point depressant  pour point  carboxylic acid ester copolymer type depressant  Jinzhou crude oil