引用本文:刘友权,王小红,王川,毛小平,张曲,廖军,等. CT高温转向酸的研制及应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(6): 614-615,624,540,541.
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刘友权, 王小红, 王川, 毛小平, 张曲, 廖军, 冯莹莹
介绍了一种适用于高温深井、长井段厚层井均匀酸化的CT高温转向酸。该酸液通过降低转向剂杂质含量、提高产品纯度,提高了酸液体系的耐温性及转向性能,使用温度提高到150℃,酸液从接触岩石到反应至酸液浓度5%均为粘弹体;150℃下即使渗透率倍数高达40倍,仍能变粘封堵转向,对低渗透储层实施改造;残酸自动破胶,粘度均在5mPa.s以下。CT高温转向酸在龙岗构造的长兴组、飞仙关高温储层进行了12井次现场应用,取得了显著的施工效果,平均单井次产量达47×104 m3/d。
关键词:  高温  转向酸  转向性能  现场应用
Development and Application of CT High Temperature Self-Diverting Acid
Liu Youquan, Wang Xiaohong, Wang Chuan
Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology,PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company,Chengdu 610213,Sichuan,China).CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF OIL & GAS,VOL.40,NO.6,pp614~615,2011(ISSN 1007-3426,IN CHINESE
A novel CT self-diverting acid system,applied to acidize uniformly the high temperature/deep burial well and long reservoir interval well,is introduced.Through reducing the impurity content and enhancing the product purity,the acid system’s temperature resistance and diversion behavior are increased;the application temperature can reach 150℃,the viscoelasticity can be formed when the acid contacting rock until the acid concentration depressed to 5%.At 150℃,even if the permeability multiples are as high as 40 times,the acid can change the viscosity to block the high permeability zones and to reform the low permeability zones;the used acid can break themselves and the viscosity is below 5 mPa·s.CT self-diverting acid system had been successfully applied in more than 12 wells in Longgang Structure and Feixianguan,the average single well production reached 470×103 m3/d.
Key words:  high temperature  self-diverting acid  diversion performance  field application