引用本文:康万利,单秀华,李媛,范海明,贾斌. 三元复合驱污水动力学稳定性机理研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(6): 628-631,541.
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康万利, 单秀华, 李媛, 范海明, 贾斌
通过Turbiscan稳定性分析仪研究了三元复合驱模拟采出污水的背散射光强度变化获得油滴动力学稳定性信息,同时利用稳定性常数值(TSI-1)比较了驱油剂含量对污水稳定性的影响;研究了不同驱油剂含量下污水中油滴的界面性质、粒径、电学性质和界面膜强度以及水相粘度,分析了驱油剂对污水稳定性的影响机理。结果 表明,表面活性剂和碱能够降低油水界面张力、减小油滴粒径、增加Zeta电位和液膜强度,但对水相粘度影响不大;聚合物则主要是增加油滴Zeta电位和液膜强度并使水相粘度显著增大。这些作用阻碍了小油滴转变为大液滴,减慢了大液滴聚结和分层速度。随着污水中表面活性剂、碱和聚合物浓度的增大,污水稳定性增强。
关键词:  三元复合驱  驱油剂  采出污水  稳定性机理
Study of Kinetic Stability Mechanism for ASP Flooding Sewage
Kang Wanli, Shan Xiuhua, Li Yuan
EOR Research Center,China University of Petroleum(East China),Qingdao 266555,Shandong,China).CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF OIL & GAS,VOL.40,NO.6,pp628~631,2011(ISSN 1007-3426,IN CHINESE
In this paper,the change of the backscattered light intensity of the wastewater in ASP flooding simulation was studied by using the Turbiscan stability analyzer,and the droplet kinetic stability information was obtained.Meanwhile,the stability constant value(TSI-1) was used to make out how the oil displacement agent content in the sewage affect the wastewater stability.Furthermore,under the different oil-displacing agent content,the interface properties of droplets,particle sizes,electrical properties,interfacial film strength and viscosity of water phase were studied.Then the mechanism how the oil displacement agent act on the stability of the wastewater was analyzed.Finally,the results show that surfactants and alkali can lower the oil-water interfacial tension,reduce the droplet size,increase the Zeta potential and the film strength,but they have little effect on the viscosity of the water phase;polymer mainly increases the oil droplet’s Zeta potential and film strength and improves the water phase viscosity dramatically.These effects prevent small droplets from transforming into large droplets,slow down the coalescence of large droplets and lower the stratified speed.As the concentration of the surfactant,alkaline and polymer in sewage increasing,the stability of the wastewater will be enhanced.
Key words:  ASP flooding  oil-displacing agent  produced water  stability mechanism