引用本文:郭钢,张洁,鲍方,杨程程. 电导率对钻井液抑制及环保性能影响分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2011, 40(6): 632-635,542.
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郭钢1, 张洁2, 鲍方3, 杨程程
为确定电导率对钻井液抑制环保性能的影响,通过电泳实验、钻井液滤液矿化度的测定实验、钻井液滤液化学需氧量COD值测定实验,评价了电导率与钻井液抑制性、矿化度、COD的相互关系。结果 表明:钻井液电导率的变化可以表征钻井液中黏土颗粒表面ξ电位的变化、钻井液滤液矿化度的变化和钻井液滤液化学需氧量COD值的变化。该研究结果为评价钻井液性能提供了一种简单、快捷、准确的分析手段。
关键词:  电导率  ξ电位  等效氯离子浓度  矿化度  COD
Impact Analysis of Conductivity on Inhibition of Drilling Fluid and the Environmental Performance
Guo Gang1, Zhang Jie2, Bao Fang3
1.Oil and Gas Technology Institute of PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company,Xi’an 710018,Shaanxi,China;2.Xi’an Shiyou University,Xi’an 710065,Shaanxi,China;3.Chengde Petroleum College,Chengde 067000,Hebei,China).CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF OIL & GAS,VOL.40,NO.6,pp632~635,2011(ISSN 1007-3426,IN CHINESE
To determine the impact of conductivity on drilling fluid properties,the relationship among the conductivity,drilling fluid inhibition,salinity and COD value was evaluated through the electrophoresis experiment,drilling fluid filtrate salinity measurement experiment and the drilling fluid filtrate COD detection experiment.The results show that the change of drilling fluid conductivity can characterize the change of clay particles surface ξ potential of drilling fluid,drilling fluid filtrate salinity and COD value of drilling fluid filtrate.This research conclusion provides a simple,fast and accurate analysis way for drilling fluid properties evaluation.
Key words:  conductivity  ξ potential  concentration of equivalent chloride ions  salinity  COD