引用本文:张宝柱,王秀红,高军,郑朝明. 障碍物不同坡度对H2S扩散影响研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(2): 229-231,251,252.
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张宝柱1, 王秀红2, 高军1, 郑朝明1
针对在复杂地形下发生的天然气井井喷事故,设置了20°、30°、40°、50°和60°五个不同的障碍物坡度,利用CFD软件Fluent对不同坡度下的H2S扩散规律进行数值模拟。结果 表明,在设定的条件和范围内,当连续释放的H2S扩散至稳定状态时,不同坡度的障碍物对H2S的扩散影响不同。随着障碍物坡度的增加,H2S在障碍物的迎风侧和背风侧的地面浓度均有所上升,且迎风侧的变化程度比背风侧的要大。模拟结果对研究井喷中H2S在复杂地形下的扩散规律和井场位置的选择有一定的指导意义。
关键词:  井喷事故  含硫天然气  H2S  数值模拟  障碍物坡度  扩散浓度  Fluent
Study on the diffusion regularity of H2S under different obstacle slope
Zhang Baozhu1, Wang Xiuhong2, Gao Jun1, Zheng Zhaoming1
1.China Petroleum Pipeline Domestic Division,Langfang 065000,Hebei,China;2.Synfuels China Engineering Co.,Ltd,Beijing 101407,China
Aimed at the blowout accident under complex landform,five obstacle models with different slope were set including twenty degree,thirty degree,forty degree and fifty degree in order to study the spread regularity of the H2S.Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD) software Fluent was used for the simulation of H 2 S diffusion.Then the concentration values of H 2 S about the windward side and the leeward side under the condition of wind were obtained from results of the simulation.The results show the obstacle models with different slop have different influence to H2S spread when H2S diffused to stable state.First,the concentration of H 2 S will increase on the ground as the slope becomes steeper no matter at the windward or leeward side.Second,the concentration of H 2 S at the windward side has a larger difference compared with the leeward side.The results of the simulation provide some guidance about the diffusion regularity of H2S at the complex landform and the selection of the location about the well site.
Key words:  blowout accident  H 2 S  simulation  obstacle slope  diffusion density