引用本文:陆林峰,易畅,管勇,袁勇,扶方,刘源. 钻井固体废物制免烧砖技术及试验[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(2): 235-238,252.
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陆林峰1, 易畅1, 管勇2, 袁勇1, 扶方1, 刘源1
钻井固体废物制免烧砖技术是利用钻井固废资源化新技术,通过在五口井场上应用该项技术处理钻井固体废物,生产的成品砖能够达到JC/T 422-2007《非烧结垃圾尾矿砖》标准,且浸泡指标符合国家GB 8978-1996《污水综合排放标准》一类标准。为钻井固体废物治理提供了可靠的资源化利用新途径,对石油天然气钻探清洁生产具有重要意义。
关键词:  钻井固废  无害化  资源化  免烧砖  经济效益
Technology and experiment of baking-free bricks by drilling solid waste
Lu Linfeng1, Yi Chang1, Guan Yong2, Yuan Yong1, Fu Fang1, Liu Yuan1
1.Safety,Environment & Technology Supervision Research Institute,PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company;2.Qionglai Gas Extraction Section of Northwestern Sichuan Gas District,PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company
It is a new technology to produce baking-free bricks by using drilling solid waste utilization as source.Through the treatment of drilling solid waste at five well sites,the brick products can meet the requirements of standard JC / T422-2007 Non-fired Rubbish Gangue Brick,and immerse index can meet the first class requirement of the national standard GB8978-1996 Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard.This technology provides a new reliable source utilization way for drilling solid waste management,which is of great significance in clean production of oil and gas drilling.
Key words:  drilling solid waste  harmless  recycling  baking-free brick  economic efficiency