引用本文:Peter van Wesenbeeck. 烃露点冷镜仪表的溯源校准程序(英文)[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(3): 253-263.
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Peter van Wesenbeeck
Gas Transport Services
目前烃露点冷镜仪表校准程序缺乏溯源性。由于天然气经不同开采区段网络运营商的跨界运输已经成为惯例,因此有必要对天然气烃露点进行准确测定。文中给出的烃露点与液相析出物间的关系可用于校准烃露点冷镜仪表。通过使用ISO 6570标准首次使烃露点仪的校准具有溯源性。经校准和调节后,在同一压力下仪器测得的烃露点与潜在的液相析出物含量(PHLC)是一致的。ISO技术报告ISO/TR 12148对该校准方法作了详细描述。这项工作被认为是向烃露点协调计量迈进的第一步,因此必然会提高跨界运输间的相互操作性。
关键词:  烃露点  烃露点冷镜仪表  校准  溯源性  天然气
A traceable calibration procedure for hydrocarbon dew point chilled mirror instruments
Peter van Wesenbeeck(Gas Transport Services,Netherlands).CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF OIL & GAS,VOL.41,NO.3,pp253263,2012(ISSN 1007-3426,IN CHINESE
Current calibration procedures for hydrocarbon dew point chilled mirror instruments lack traceability.Since cross border transport of natural gas through the grids of various network operators has become general practice,the necessity for the unambiguous determination of hydrocarbon dew point of a natural gas rises.In this paper,it will be shown that the direct relationship exists between hydrocarbon dew point and liquid drop out content can be used for the calibration of hydrocarbon dew point chilled mirror instruments.For the first time it is now possible to calibrate a hydrocarbon dew point analyzer traceable using the ISO 6570 standard.After calibration and adjustment,the measured hydrocarbon dew points of the instrument will correspond to a given potential hydrocarbon liquid content(PHLC) at the same pressure.The calibration method is described in detail in ISO technical report ISO/TR 12148.The results of this work can be considered as the first step in the process towards a harmonized measuring method for the hydrocarbon dew point and thus to improved interoperability at cross border points.
Key words:  hydrocarbon dew point  hydrocarbon dew point chilled mirror instruments  calibration  traceability  natural gas