引用本文:陈胜永,岑兆海,何金龙,周永阳,陈昌介,温崇荣. 新形势下天然气净化技术面临的挑战及下步的研究方向[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(3): 264-267,272,357.
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陈胜永1, 岑兆海1, 何金龙2, 周永阳, 陈昌介, 温崇荣
关键词:  复杂气质  天然气脱硫  新技术  酸性气田  能源发展
The research direction and challenges the natural gas purification technology facing under new situation
Chen Shengyong1, Cen Zhaohai1, He Jinlong2, Zhou Yongyang, Cheng changjie, Wen Chongrong
1.Development Division of PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company,Chengdu 610051,Sichuan,China;2.Research Insitute of Natural Gas Tchnology,PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company,Chengdu 610213,Sichuan,China
With the rapid economic development in China,the growing demand for natural gas as a clean energy,natural gas industry has gradually been going into the period of development.Many frontier technologies,such as ionic liquid technology,membrane separation,biological desulfurization,exploit a new way for the existing gas desulfurization technology,and promote existing technology development to the direction of environmental protection,refinement,science and technicalization.However,with the stimulation of the old gas well and development of the new gas fields,the variation of the raw gas components tends to be complicated.To meet the stricter environment standards and energy strategic demands of China,it is urgent to take into deep consideration about research direction and development of natural gas purification technology and strive to make technological breakthrough.
Key words:  complex gas components  natural gas desulfurization  new technology  sour gas field  energy development