引用本文:祁影霞,喻志广,闫辉,周生平,刘业凤. CO2置换甲烷水合物热力学影响因素实验研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(3): 285-288,358.
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祁影霞, 喻志广, 闫辉, 周生平, 刘业凤
关键词:  CO2  甲烷水合物  置换率  热力学
Experimental study of thermodynamic effects on replacement of methane hydrates by CO2
Qi Yingxia, Yu Zhiguang, Yan Hui, Zhou Shengping, Liu Yefeng
Faculty of Energy and Power Engineering,University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,Shanghai 200093,China
Replacing methane with CO2 in the hydrate structure,storing CO2 and producing methane from methane hydrate reservoirs have attracted much attention of the researchers worldwide.The effects of pressure and temperature on replacement rate were investigated by measuring the change of the methane molar percentage in the gas phase.The test system was in pure water,and the replacement reaction lasted 50 hours.The experimental results show that the methane molar percentage in the gas phase at the end of replacement process is increased from the initial 1.56% to 39.74%,41.89%,45.45% and 48.04% respectively corresponding to the replacement temperature at 273.15 K,274.15 K,275.65 K and 276.15 K with the CO2 charge pressure at 2.5 MPa.On the other hand,the replacement rate respectively reach 44.87%,45.45%,46.66% and 47.21% corresponding to the CO2 charge pressure from 2.2 MPa to 2.5 MPa,2.8 MPa,3.1 MPa with the replacement temperature at 275.65 K.Therefore,it is concluded that the influence of temperature and pressure on replacement rate is positively in some ranges,but not great.
Key words:  CO2  methane hydrates  replacement rate  thermodynamics