引用本文:王海,史蓉,姚培洪,刘强,郝萍,薛山. 氨或铵盐在制备双峰孔分布硅胶中的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(3): 289-291,358.
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王海, 史蓉, 姚培洪, 刘强, 郝萍, 薛山
关键词:  氨或铵盐  硅胶  孔分布  双峰
Application of ammonia or ammonium salt in the preparation of bimodal pore radius distribution silica gel
Wang Hai, Shi Rong, Yao Peihong, Liu Qiang, Hao Pin, Xue Shan
Lanzhou Petrochemical Research Center,Lanzhou 730060,Gansu,China
Changing the silica gel pore structure with bimodal pore radius distribution by using ammonia or ammonium salt,the macroporous silica gel products with bimodal pore radius distribution can be gained.Whether to adding ammonia or ammonium salt or not,the amount of ammonia or ammonium salt,different adding time and reaction temperature to affect silica gel performance were investigated in this paper.The results showed that when adding ammonia or ammonium salt to the solution in the initial stage,ammonia or ammonium salt reacted with inorganic acid,formed acid salt/inorganic acid(molar ratio) = 3∶1,reaction temperature was 30 ℃,the macroporous silica gel product with bimodal pore distribution can be obtained,the pore volume was 1.65 cm3/g,pore radius was 20.00 nm and specific surface area was 340 m2/g.
Key words:  ammonia or ammonium salt  silica gel  pore distribution  bimodal