引用本文:熊颖,贾静,刘爽,蒋泽银,任宇,吴文刚,等. 抗高温泡沫排水用起泡剂的研究与性能评价[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(3): 308-310,359.
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熊颖1, 贾静2, 刘爽1, 蒋泽银, 任宇, 吴文刚, 龙顺敏
关键词:  泡沫排水  积液  起泡剂  高温
Research and performance evaluation of a high temperature resistant foaming agent for drainage
Xiong Ying1, Jia Jing2, Liu Shuang1, Jiang Zeyin, Ren Yu, Wu Wengang, Long Shunmin
1.Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology,PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company,Chengdu 610213,Sichuan,China;2.Central Sichuan Oil and Gas District,PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company,Suining 629000,Sichuan,China
Taking the betaine of molecular structure containing sulfonic acid groups and longer main carbon chain as the main component,compounded with a small amount of straight chain paraffin sulphonate having synergistic active effect,a high temperature foaming agent was developed.The foaming agent can significantly reduce the surface tension and interfacial tension of the formation water,and has good surface activity being favor of foaming.The foamability,foam stability and carrying liquid ability of foaming agent are all preferable,it has good thermal stability at 150 ℃,and shows a strong resistance ability to high temperature.The lab simulation experiment device with high temperature gas well foaming agent for drainage can simulate high temperature gas well foam drainage process factually.The experiment evaluated the foam dynamic performance of foaming agent at 150℃.The simulation results show that the foaming agent still has good liquid carrying capacity at 150℃.
Key words:  foam drainage  liquid loading  foaming agent  high temperature