引用本文:李年银,赵文,贾慧,张倩,霍红力,程凌强. 泡沫酸配方体系研究及性能评价[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(3): 311-313,356,360.
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李年银1,2, 赵文3, 贾慧4, 张倩, 霍红力, 程凌强
泡沫酸与常规土酸相比具有反应速度慢、腐蚀率低、易返排、低伤害等特点,同时对于非均质性储层可较好地实现酸液的转向分流,对低压、低渗、非均质、高含水油气藏的增产改造是一种十分理想的酸液体系。采用搅拌法,以泡沫的半衰期及起泡体积作为主要评价指标,开展了泡沫酸添加剂的评价,并利用正交设计法筛选出高效的泡沫酸配方体系;针对优选的泡沫酸配方开展室内性能评价。结果 表明:泡沫酸具有较好的缓速、缓蚀性能,且泡沫质量越高,其缓速、缓蚀性能越好。泡沫酸具有很好的分流效果,过酸之后,并联岩心渗透率均增加,且渗透率差异减小。
关键词:  泡沫酸  酸化  泡沫质量  起泡剂  稳泡剂  分流
Performance evaluation of foamed acid formula system
Li Nianyin,Zhao Wen,Jia Hui,Zhang Qian,Huo Hongli,Cheng Linqiang
1.Reservoir and Geological Exploration Engineering of the State Key Lab of China,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500,Sichuan,China;2.Oil and Gas Technology Research Institute of Changqing Oil Field Subsidiary of PetroChina,Xi′an 710000,Shaanxi,China;3.Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology,PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company,Chengdu 610213,Sichuan,China
Contrast to regular mud acid,foamed acid is superior in many aspects,such as slow reaction rate,tiny corrosion rate,easy to flowback,slight damage,etc.,acid diversion in the heterogeneous reservoir can be realized by the use of foamed acid.It is also an ideal acid system for the stimulation of low pressure,low permeability and high water cut inhomogeneous reservoir.In this paper,taking the half-life period of the foam and the foaming volume as the main evaluation indicator,we evaluate the behavior of the addictives used in foamed acid system by stirring,and optimize the effective foamed acid system through the use of orthogonal array test method. Results show that the foamed acid has better retarded and anti-corrosive effect.The higher the foam mass is,the better the retarded and anti-corrosive effect are.Foamed acid has satisfactory diversion effect.After the simulation,permeability of the dual core increases,and the permeability differential is small.
Key words:  foamed acid  acidizing  foam mass  foaming agent  foam stabilizer  diversion