引用本文:李瑞丽,张 颖,徐春明. 新型ASM低温流动改进剂的合成及柴油感受性的研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(5): 453-456.
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李瑞丽1, 张 颖2, 徐春明1
1.中国石油大学(北京) 重质油国家重点实验室;2.中国石油玉门油田炼化总厂
以单体丙烯酸十八醇酯(AE)、苯乙烯(S)、马来酸酐(MA)为原料合成三元聚合物ASM。考察了ASM的最佳合成条件;用红外光谱对单体丙烯酸十八醇酯和ASM三元聚合物结构进行了表征,考察了4种柴油的感受性以及柴油的馏程、质谱烃族组成对柴油感受性的影响。结果 表明,ASM 三元聚合物的最佳合成条件是单体丙烯酸十八醇酯(AE)、苯乙烯(S)、马来酸酐(MA)的摩尔比为5∶1∶1,反应温度为80 ℃,反应时间为6 h,引发剂(过氧化苯甲酰)的用量为1.0%,在此条件下合成的ASM可将某柴油的冷滤点降低6 ℃
关键词:  三元聚合物ASM 柴油感受性 馏程 质谱烃族组成 冷凝点
Synthesis of a new cold flow improver ASM and study on the diesel sensitivity
Li Ruili1, Zhang Ying2, Xu Chunming1
1.State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing, China University of Petroleum,Beijing 102249, China;2.Refinery of Yumen Oilfield Company, CNPC, Yumen 735200, Gansu ,China
A terpolymer ASM is synthesized by acrylate ester(A), styrene(S) maleic anhydride(MA) as raw materials. The effects of optimum reaction conditions on the properties of ASM and the effectiveness of ASM on cold flow improver are investigated. And also, terpolymers structure was charactered by IR spectroscopy. The results showed that the optimum reaction conditions is as follows: n(A)∶n(S)∶n(M)=5∶1∶1, the reaction temperature is 80 ℃, reaction time is 6 h, and benzoyl peroxide dosage is 1.0%.Under this condition,the CFPP of diesel can be reduced 6 ℃ by using the obtained ternary polymer.
Key words:  terpolymer ASM, diesel sensitivity, distillation range, mass hydrocarbon composition,cold filter plugging point(CFPP)