引用本文:唐晓东,许玮玮,李晶晶,李小红,谯 勤. 炼厂C4深度脱有机硫的实验研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(5): 457-460.
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唐晓东1,2, 许玮玮3, 李晶晶2, 李小红2, 谯 勤2
采用新型络合脱硫剂(TS-2),考察其对炼厂C4原料气的脱硫效果。实验表明,在常压、填料床体积100 mL、液体石蜡用量40 mL的前提下,评选出TS-2脱除炼厂C4中有机硫的最佳操作条件为:TS-2用量10 mL、温度35 ℃、炼厂C4原料气空速100 h-1。运用TS-2可将炼厂C4的总硫质量浓度从198.3 mg/m3脱除至<0.1 mg/m3,满足聚合1-丁烯产品对原料硫质量浓度<1.0 mg/m3的净化指标要求。在最佳操作条件下,测定TS-2的饱和硫容量为52 g/L。脱硫剂采用加热气提法再生,可循环使用10次,推荐循环使用5次。提出了TS-2用于炼厂C4脱有机硫的三塔工艺流程,具有一定工业应用可行性
关键词:  炼厂C4 脱有机硫 络合 工艺流程 TS-2
Experimental study on deep removal of organic sulfide from refinery
Tang Xiaodong1,2, Xu Weiwei3, Li Jingjing2, Li Xiaohong2, Jiao Qin2
1.State Key Laboratory of Oil and Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, Sichuan,China;2.College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500,Sichuan,China;3.China Petroleum Engineering Huabei Company, Renqiu 062552,Hebei
This paper introduces a new self made complexing desulfurizer (TS-2), and inspects its effects on the deep desulfurization of refinery C4 feed gas. The results show that under atmospheric pressure, when the volume of packed bed is 100 mL and the amount of the liquid paraffin is 40 mL, the optimal performance parameters are as follows: the dosage of TS-2 is 10 mL, the temperature is 35 ℃ and C4 air velocity is 100 h-1. TS-2 can help reduce the total sulfide of the refinery C4 from 198.3 mg/m3 to below 0.1 mg/m3, and meet the purification index demand of poly-1-butene which requires that the sulfide should be less than 1.0 mg/m3. Under the optimal condition, the saturated sulfur capacity is 52 g/L. TS-2 can be regenerated by heating and nitrogen stripping, and can be circularly used 10 times under laboratory conditions,5 times is recommended.This paper puts forward a kind of operation technology, which has three absorbers for the deep removal of organic sulfide in refinery C4, and has feasibility of industrial applications
Key words:  refinery C4, removal of organic sulfur, complexing, TS-2