引用本文:潘光成,李 涛,吴明清. 加氢型喷气燃料元素硫腐蚀性研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2012, 41(5): 464-468.
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潘光成, 李 涛, 吴明清
本实验研究了4种不同来源(包括炼厂、原油及加工工艺的不同)的加氢型喷气燃料中元素硫所引起的银片腐蚀、铜片腐蚀问题。实验结果表明,在隔绝空气的情况下,4种加氢型喷气燃料的元素硫腐蚀实验无显著差异,引起加氢型喷气燃料银片腐蚀(1级)的元素硫质量分数约在0.5 μg/g~1.0 μg/g之间,引起铜片腐蚀(1b)的元素硫质量分数约在1.5 μg/g~2.0 μg/g之间;贮存处理能够显著影响喷气燃料的腐蚀性,使喷气燃料银片及铜片腐蚀的级别普遍降低,尤其使喷气燃料铜片腐蚀的降低程度更大
关键词:  喷气燃料 加氢 腐蚀 元素硫
Study on element sulfur corrosion of hydrogenation jet fuel
Pan Guangcheng, Li Tao, Wu Mingqing
Research Institute of Petroleum Processing,Beijing 100083,China
The silver strip and copper strip corrosion caused by element sulfur of hydrogenation jet fuels from four sources (produced from different crude oil by different hydrogenation technologies in different refineries) is studied. The results show that there was no marked qualitative difference between four species of hydrogenation jet fuels in the element sulfur corrosion test under the air free condition; the content of element sulfur from 0.5 μg/g to 1.0 μg/g in the hydrogenation jet fuels can cause silver strip corrosion to Class 1, the content of element sulfur from 1.5 μg/g to 2.0 μg/g in the hydrogenation jet fuels can cause copper strip corrosion to Class 1b;the process of storage can greatly reduce silver strip corrosion and copper strip corrosion of jet fuels with element sulfur,especially for copper strip corrosion
Key words:  jet fuel, hydrogenation, corrosion, element sulfur